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New Year.... New Brushes?

Washing my make up brushes feels like such a chore. Its something i do after every make up job, but my own brushes, well i (like many others i'm sure!) neglect this and find any other task to do but to clean them! But this weekend after applying my make up I decided enough is enough I need to give them some TLC. It's so easy to think, eh i'll just get new ones but we pay quite a bit of money for brushes, if we give them the love they need... we will reap the rewards.

But i'm not just writing this post to tell you to all go to your bathroom, pour a whole bottle of baby lotion on them and sit down for an hour hand cleaning them... also is it me or does it 100% take longer than 24 hours for these brushes to dry?!

Dirty Make Up Brushes doesn't just look horrible in your make up bag but can also contribute to the following ugly truths...

Clogged Pores & Breakouts

We often use brushes to prevent bacteria spreading when using fingers... but if your brushes aren't clean you are just moving dirt, oil and bacteria around your face, day after day after day! Clean brushes ensure hygienic application, avoided irritation and pores are kept clean. If you are suffering with a skin breakout, try cleaning your brushes and see if you notice a difference after a few days.


Dirty brushes means more risk of infections... did someone say Pink Eye?! Dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria and oil gather in our brushes so don't run the risk of spreading infection with unclean brushes, clogged up beauty blenders and the same goes with face cloths and flannels, just keep it clean people! I won't go into detail about what exact infections you can get but Google Images can help you if you are curious (just ew!)


Believe it or not, dirty make up brushes increases wrinkles! By using dirty brushes, we put additional stress on our skin which can result in a breakdown of collagen and elastin which then leads to premature ageing (slams shut laptop and runs straight to the shop for all new brushes) but don't panic buy, just clean them! We spend so much time and money investing in serums and creams to help prevent the signs of ageing to then reverse all our hard work with our dirty brushes.

Make Up is NOT flawless

This one is a no-brainer but think back to the feeling when we purchased the brush and used it for the first time, yes the brush was beautiful and so so soft but your foundation, powder, eye shadow went on like a dream, right? Give your brushes some TLC and your make up will look like you have a beauty filter on it permanently.

Okay, Okay so i have preached enough now and we all feel a little ashamed of ourselves (except the select few, you angels, you!) but i can already hear the moans 'its too messy', 'it barely looks clean', ' its hard to dry them' and my fave... 'i'll do it next weekend!' But I have found a handy kit (recommended personally by a trusted friend!) which I will be grabbing next time i'm in Boots which includes a brush Cleanser, a bath/tray and a drying rack (a-maz-ing!) and by the trusty brand Real Techniques! Click on the picture below to purchase your own... i'm pretty sure this is more effective than baby lotion and my hand but a clean is better than no clean.

Ideally we should all be cleaning our make up brushes weekly... if this is too much to commit to at first, try every other week for your eye shadow brushes and monthly for face. As for your flannels and muslin cloths, this is one thing i am a saint at and i wash after every use (i have LOTS!) so join me in attempting to up my hygiene game and make 2020 and the year of glowing skin.

Enjoy Brush Hinching!

The Beauty Cove xx



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